
About Us

As one of the top and most experienced pest controllers in the industry, we at Proven Pest Control offer a wide range of pest control services that will eliminate just about any kind of household or commercial pest. With an expert team of experienced professionals behind us making the services that we offer, simply one of the most affordable and sought after!

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We Provide

Effective Pest Control Services

Al Maroof Pest Contol Solutions Dubai, begin with comprehensive planning to include all aspects of the problem, followed by the application of preventive and control methods. Infestation problems are reduced by careful planning so that the possibilities of pest organisms reaching detrimental levels will be kept to a minimum.

Al Maroof Pest Control welcomes all the customers looking for the best customer service in Dubai, UAE. We are very honored to be trusted by millions of customers in the country. The support and trust of our customers are the wheels that keep us moving forward in the right direction.



Pest problems are one of the most common annoyances that people and properties face on a daily basis. Termites, rats, cockroaches, mosquitoes, bed bugs, ants, and house fly, to refer to only a few. We at Al Maroof Pest Control pleasure ourselves not only on providing high quality but on our positive reputation. You can be a family, a corporate firm, a group of companies, or a manufacturing unit. When you are looking for the best residential pest control services and commercial pest control services in and around Dubai you will find that Al Maroof pest control services are top-ranked and in the prime position in the entire industry.


How We Are Special

Eco and Human-Friendly products.

At Al Maroof, we choose to use only the highest quality of pesticides and tools to get the job done efficiently and effectively. 

Al Maroof wants to help protect your home and family with our qualified solutions. Our technicians have received all proper certifications and licenses and are trained to help manage any of your pest control needs. Let our pest control professionals provide you with the best service around.
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